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The Roses....they are exploding!!

This has to be one of my absolute favorite times of year. Last week, I watched as the climbing rose that marks the entrance to our front walkway went from 2 blooms to hundreds. I wish I had taken a picture on Monday so you could have seen the explosion in full color. Here is one I took just a few minutes ago though. It is a "Blaze" climber, planted about 8 years ago, and every single year it just gets better and better. Roses are so easy to take care of here in Fallon. Between the hot dry climate to control disease, and the 300 or more days of sunlight we get every year, it makes for perfect growing condition. Sorry, can't write anymore right now, the roses are calling to me out front. I need to go play in the blooms. See ya soon, Susan

ps, If you are out and about tomorrow, Saturday, May 30th, stop by our rose garden at The Flower Tree. Linda Reed, a multi media artist from California will be in the rose garden demonstrating with FIRE how she makes her Lampwork bead jewelry. Sure to be a hot time!