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Feeling a little "Crabby" today

No, not crabby - as in  having an irritable and unpleasant disposition, but "crabby" as in "OH MY - how I love Crab apple trees. I have been in a crab apple state of mind these last few days as I drive around town and everything is bursting with color. Wandering around Reno on Wednesday with a dear friend I kept pointing out one and then another "look - a Prairefire, over there , look a Hopa" until even she could identify different varieties. If you have been to our nursery you know already that I am a huge fan of crab apple trees, and if I have helped you in making a decision on an ornamental tree you have probably heard me tell of the varieties that I have here on my own little acre of the world. I thought I would share a few pictures (taken this morning) of the ones in my front yard as they are just now bursting with color. The ones in the backyard are about a week away, more on those later. And another plus, you can prune off some branches - the cuttings make amazingly beautiful floral arrangements for the house, with the blooms lasting for a week or more.

Malus 'Snowdrift'

 Malus 'Prairefire'

 Malus 'Robinson' (This is the tree we planted in honor of my Mom, pink was her favorite color)

  Malus 'Florabunda'

 remember the post last fall about the five layer tulip planting I did in the side yard? they are all bursting out of the pots
 one armed - I managed to get my tomato plant in the barrel. Used a piece of rebar to hold up the wall o water while I filled it. Only had to call for Bob's help at the very last minute when the entire thing was threatening to fall over on itself. I WILL HAVE TOMATOES IN MAY!!! (will keep you posted on this one)