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From the Perennial Diaries

This came in my inbox this morning from a fellow gardener that received our Thursday ema il, thought it was an informative and fun one to share.

Good morning Susan,
Wanted to share a Yarrow story you may want to share with your customers buying the new Yarrows in all the wonderful colors. Last year I started some b right colored yarrow from seed, I got purples, reds, pinks, orange s, etc. I moved them last fall from the veggie garden (where I start my baby plants) where it is safe from rabbits. Since the rabbits had never bothered my yellow yarr
ow, I moved the others into the landscaping, and they were looking really great this summer! Lots of wonderful colors. I w
as imagining how they would look once the plants got big enough to inte rmix across the wall. Then the rabbits found them, they only eat the flowers, not the foliage, all the lovely flowers are gone, just sticks with leaves. They seemed to try different colors one at a time. Each night a new color was gone. The yellow yarrow, in the same location, is still as big and healthy as ever. The rabbits still do not seem to like the yellow. We will be building a cage wall in front of the yarrow, so I can still see them, but not quite the look I wanted. They will probably grow through the wall and the rabbits will "prune" them. Oh the fun of gardening in Nevada. Thank you for your newsletters, we always enjoy them. ("N" - A fellow Nevada gardener)