Cash's 1st. Birthday

My Grandson Cash turned 1 today! It seems like yesterday that we were racing for Camarillo, Ca. to try and make it there before he was born. We made it as far as Hawthorne! before we got the call that he had made his arrival. This last year has taken him to Maine, but we have happily been able to visit a few times, and now Sara and he are here with us for a few weeks. With the wedding of her very best friend Shelley set for this coming weekend, and his Dad, Travis, on his way to Texas for more Navy training, to be a flight engineer, it was the perfect opportunity to come for an extended visit. Robert and I were thrilled to be able to watch him have his first chocolate cupcake and celebrate his big day with him. So if you see me pulling the little red wagon around the store with a big grin on my face, and an adorable little boy in tow, now you know why. Happy Birthday Cash!