Morning Grins

The last two weeks have just flown by, not so much because of all the holiday activities going on, although that has certainly been a contributing factor,but because the kids are here from Maine. My grandson Cash is now 18 months old, and of course the most special little boy in the whole world. Every morning I sit in my chair, coffee cup in hand and read the paper, while listening for his little voice in the other room. The sounds start slowly, he talks to himself in the quiet darkness of the morning, and then the words start flying. His words are still very hard to follow, but we know they are meaningful to him, and that's all that really matters. I slowly open his bedroom door and peek in, and am greeted by the biggest grin. Bob and I usually push each other out of the way in the path to the door..both of us wanting those "morning grins". They are the best.

Today the kids head over the mountain to visit Travis's family, so I will head back to Red Zinnia for a couple days and get caught up on some paperwork. They will be back in the middle of next week for a few more days before they fly back to Maine. We finished the revamping of Flower Tree on Monday and we all love the new openness from rearranging most of the cabinets. It is always amazing to me how "mixing it up" a little can change the whole feel of an area. Our next project is the green room, which starts today when we put up all the seed racks for this year and start unpacking all the spring goodies. Just like browsing through the gardening catalogs that come in the mail this time of year, sorting through all the spring seeds can fill you with hopes of forsythia exploding in shades of yellow soon.

Enjoy the sunshine this weekend, it sure looks like we have a few beautiful winter days ahead. See you soon, Susan