On a warm August evening we gathered at her home to see her garden, relax and fill everyone in on our purchases from the trip to Orinda and the Bay area.
Darla and Richard live on a beautiful quiet acre on the west side of town. We entered through her antique filled home to the back patio and gazed at the lush expanse of lawn that gently slopes down to the Carson River. Her fruit orchard is spaced through the lawn and all the varieties are filled with bounty this year. There will be plenty to share in a few weeks.
Darla’s yard is made for entertaining. From the outdoor kitchen, to the cozy fireplace and comfy chairs ~ we grabbed a glass of wine and started the tour of the garden. Only one thing gave us some trouble identifying, but Michelle quickly got it after she arrived.
We even ventured over into the neighbor’s yard to identify a tree for him as he questioned us from his back patio.
Another beautiful evening, filled with friendship and greenery.
the shrub everyone now wants for their own yards, viburnum burkwoodii
Jaime stikes the pose, this one is for her Mom, Mari.
Beautiful to see this Hicks Yew growing along the front walkway. In afternoon shade, and protected by the wind ~ it makes a soft and lovely evergreen shrub. Darla's is about 5' tall and covers an expanse of about 20'. Not sure how many are planted, but I will find out.