Thank you so much to all the artists that contributed their beautifully creative work on our 1st. Annual "Playin' at Plein Air". Because of their generosity, and all of those that bid on the finished artwork, we are so happy to announce that it was a resounding SUCCESS!! (You can view their artwork on the previous post)
We raised $1125.00 !!!
We are so happy to report that we will be able to award art scholarships for the Spring semester.
Thank you ~ Thank you ~
Thank you to our artists:
Jaime Sammons
Michelle Nelsen
Lori Bishop
Lonne Sheldon
April Oakden
Dan Sperl
Patricia Sammons
Bonnie Wright
Genny Edge
Dolly Strekal
Jeannette Hale
Lissa Overlie
Gwynne Matlavage
Dorothy Kusler
Kim Rowlett