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Spring sprouts on a rainy day

How cool is it to wake up to a slightly drizzly, but semi-warm day and realize that you can spend part of it in your own garden. I filled up the fountain for the first time this season and listened as it spilled over the sides and created its soothing sound.  After the pruning workshop yesterday at the nursery I was inspired to tackle the shrubs that were in desperate need, and then it was onto "uncover" mode. Everywhere I pulled back the heavy mulch I applied last fall I found little treasures waiting for me. Spring REALLY IS only a short 17 days away!!!!
walking onions....if you would like some, just let me know...they multiply by the hundreds each year and the flowers are just beautiful. The original few that Jaime gave me are now VERY well established and I  plenty to share.
ahhhhhh......the rhubarb is doing amazing under all the leaf mold cover I used in the fall. I
placed a warm blanket back around them for a few more weeks.

 hardy geraniums that I put in last year are doing nicely with hardly any cover over them. can't wait to see how they spread this year

    leftovers in the compost pile, going to have to break them up pretty soon so they break down better
   spring sprouts, you can just see all of them smiling....just like I am