This one is a little long......
Harriet will soon have a new home. My home, where I spend my evenings and all the waking hours that I am not at The Flower Tree. No, she is not ill, or lonely...quite the contrary. She is probably going to be extremely upset with me for taking her away from all her social commitments and obligations.
I could spend the next thirty years trying to write about the strong, beautiful, knowledgeable and lovely women that have surrounded me for the last 14 years. Each with their different petals of strength and character that somehow combined to make the most perfect of blossoms. I have been truly blessed.
My other extremely fortunate move. Being married to a man that supports and encourages me to follow my dreams and passions. Many a night the call came in about the gate falling off the front post, the beavers backing up the water well, the pumps exploding on a 105 degree day, the bobcat broken and the forklift stuck. Yes..there were words of frustration, but he fixed it.....and we carried on. I plan to spend the next thirty years, or however many we have left, thanking him. For letting me do what I love, and supporting me even when it wasn't his vision. Especially.....when it wasn't his vision.
This moment in time offers me some new opportunities. The next owners of this nursery bring with them a commitment to the practices we have begun, 30 years of growing experience, and 25 years of retail nursery experience. Trust me please, I leave you in good hands. Yes, I am also thankful to say that you will still see many familiar, and friendly faces that you know and love around the garden. Heck, you will even see me from time to time as I hope to continue with some of the classes, programs and community events that we have developed over the years. Some things change, and others....thankfully...stay the same. As for the majority of time, I am going to set off for new horizons. Expand on some much anticipated opportunities, spend some quality time at our other venture, Red Zinnia, and of course spend some amazing time with the family. I will also continue to do what I in the garden.
I am so thankful though, for you. The young and old...and everything in between, that have walked the concrete walkways around the nursery, that have ventured out to the pond and taken some time in Nana's Garden to reflect and relax. Those of you that have been on the verge of covering your entire property in cement, only to come in two years later and tell us what an oasis you now enjoy because of the support, encouragement and vision that we gave you. These are the memories of this last 14 seasons that I will take home with me. But it won't be all I take home, Harriet of course is coming home.......with me.
It's not a's a "See you soon", Susan