We set off from Georgia on a beautiful sunny day, first stop on the cross country journey - Waveland, Mississippi. Back in 2005, when the disaster Hurricane Katrina came to shore, it was a direct hit on Waveland. Just days after it devastated such a massive area people started flowing in from all over the country to work on assisting those whose homes had been destroyed or damaged. Bob happened to be on a crew that was dispatched from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Known as a “blue roof” crew. Over the course of the next two months he would bear witness to such a huge amount of devastation that it would forever change him. This trip to Waveland was to hopefully help him see that the land and the people have indeed recovered. Not to what it’s originally beauty was, but after a long afternoon spent at the local museum, and a couple hours spent reminiscing with residents that lived through it, I hope that he can see that he, and the thousands of others that arrived to assist - did make a tremendous difference.
The view from shore, Waveland, Mississippi