It’s always a treat when touring “Lucia Land”. From the moment you enter her house you are transported back in time to when life was a little, make that a lot simpler, and memories flood you at every corner. Lucia, like a lot of us girls, loves vintage – and she has absolutely mastered the art of mixing it in with the rest of today’s world. I find myself taking just a little more time when walking through her rooms just so I don’t miss anything. The collection of Bauer and McCoy pottery that fills a bookshelf filled with other childhood favorites. The breakfront overflowing with dishes and serving pieces that you are sure once graced the homes of most of us in the 60’s, and the mosaic pieces that she has created over the years from pieces of pottery that represent every state of the union. Her home allows you to step back in time while still being treated to all the comforts and technology that makes life easier and more comfortable today. Then you venture into her office – and it is hard to call it an office, more of an art room since that is what she does for a living when she is not helping us to create the most fabulous displays at the stores. She is a multi-published author/illustrator of children’s books for Scholastic and others, and it is in that room that you understand where a lot of her creativity and wonderment evolves from. Lucia LOVES Disneyland, and this room is filled with her collection of memorabilia to that children’s play land as well as her grandmothers doll collection that she has lovingly preserved and a collection of Golden Books that would rival even the best antique book shop. But we are not here to see the treasures in the inside of her home; it is her garden we have gathered for…….let’s head outside…….Rose, Sooz and Lucia stop to admire the fountain she designed
Yes, ferns will grow in Fallon, NV - and thrive. They just need shade in the afternoon and an acid soil mulched in every once and awhile
Michelle, Korena and Doris admiring the "Alpine" garden that Lucia created to remind her of her favorite places to hike - the forest.
hammered aluminum happens to be one of my collecting obsessions!!! so to see a piece here that was transformed into a piece of art for the garden was pretty inspiring. Sorry Lucia, I will be copying this once - or twice .....
the girls, mingling through the rose garden
an old gate is re purposed into an art piece to lead you further into the rose garden
Sooz has to get just a little closer to the roses...
we our sunflowers
the garden shed
Lucia and Bill raise a family ....or two... of goats
the poser
Thank you Lucia, for the E ticket ride of "LuciaLand"