What do nursery workers do when they get a well-deserved day off, well …….they GARDEN of course. Yesterday I spent the majority of the day out in the side yard. Cleaning, raking, re-arranging the plants that still need to go into the ground, I KNOW, I am quickly running out of time. The morning temps were in the high 20’s and I had to wait till mid-morning until the hose was thawed enough to get water through it, but once it started flowing I was on my way. The trees all got a great drink, the shrubs and perennial beds soaked it up and the roses…......well let’s just say the bark I spread last month was floating when I was done. We live in the DESERT….with 4” of moisture a YEAR! I know a lot of you have a hard time wrapping your head around that…especially those of you back east that get a regular dose of 4” a day. But here in the high desert of Nevada you have to water even in the winter. At least once a month I pull the hose out, even when it is 20’ out….and give everything a great drink. I’m just very grateful when a sunny day with no wind comes with it. The upset of my morning, finding all the tomatoes under the plants I pulled up to put into the compost pile. I thought I had gotten all of them and placed them in the garage to ripen before the hard freeze last month.