Day 1: The house that we are moving Red Zinnia into , 111 S. Taylor St., has been vacant for quite some time. It had previously been an Art store and framing shop, and before that, for the previous 75 years or so, a family home. Originally built as a "kit" home sometime around 1913, it was shipped around Cape Horn, and constructed at it's present sight. It is filled with wonderful windows, as I will show you in a moment, that had been covered by the previous tenants, and the natural light shines in from every direction.
Like any major project that we have undertaken at Flower Tree/Red Zinnia, our crew is amazing at setting priorities and tasks to be accomplished, and getting it done. First Task: Coffee! Jaime took care of this by bringing it with her, and the day started off in first gear. Ron was our designated expert, having been raised by a painter, his father, and he got us started on the huge job of masking everything - remember all those windows I talked about - so that we could paint using a sprayer. We have set aside three days for masking/painting/cleaning of the wood floors. I have been told by my
husband Bob that "there is no way", until I remind him that we have less than a week to get a months worth of work done. WE WILL GET IT DONE! of course baring any unforeseen events. I am a slight realist after all. We had visitors stopping by the entire day to offer support, encouragement - and help! It was a great day.
Lucia, Michelle & Ron find a wonderful surprise behind a large piece of plywood that was over the fireplace mantel.

The perfect place to bring the surprise that Lucia had made as a "store-warming" gift to RedZin.
Jaime - working in her , soon to be amazing Wine Tasting Room
Sheila P. and Colleen P. stopped by, they are the owners of the building, and grew up here. They regaled us with stories from their youth, and gave us some history of the home.

Love the mosaic look that the taping gives the windows.

oh, and yeah....Bob stopped by, HE WAS AMAZED at what we got completed. Tomorrow it is on to the paint!!!!